This is what an Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) looks like. Warning: It’s pretty hot:
This is what finding out the IUI didn’t work looks like:
Noah and I are used to disappointment, but more importantly, we are now accustomed to the various processes we have to go through. The first time around with any assisted reproduction intervention is scary and confusing. It involves needles, exact timing, and a variety of people in my privates. But now that we have one failed IVF and one failed IUI under our belts, we know what to expect. We know the norms, the limitations, and the language. Though we thought we would just be visitors in this land of infertility, we’ve officially become citizens. Green cards approved. We’re acclimated, assimilated, acculturated. Now how do we flee this place?
WOW, What an sad story i hope that it works on the future or you find something that works.
Posted by: Reproductive Medicine Group | February 15, 2016 at 08:25 AM