ME! How quickly I forget how desperately I wanted this day to come! I'm terrible at being flat on my back but really good at demanding things from my husband. I don't know who is more miserable right now. Actually I do. Poor guy. But we made it to this day! And for that I'm grateful.
We woke up yesterday at 6am, then 7am, then 8am, waiting for the call from the doc saying that the Lone Ranger had thawed fine and that we were still on for our 10:30am appointment. I was going nuts, making up all kinds of scenarios about why he wasn't calling, and finally at 9:30am I called the office and they were super nonchalant.
"Oh, yeah, you're still on, come on in at 10:30am" the front desk gal said.
Perhaps I misunderstood and they were only going to call if for some reason it didn't thaw properly. There is an 80% chance that frozen embryos survive the thaw so of course my optimistic brain only registered that there is a 20% chance it wouldn't. It was a waste of anxiety yesterday morning because the Long Ranger not only thawed but thawed beautifully. The doc said often thawed embryos get a little deformed looking and compress a bit and have to bounce back into shape, but our little one looked almost exactly the same as it did before it was frozen. The doc looked at me and said, "You don't seem excited?!" Yeah. I know better than to be excited, ever. But the fact that he was excited was a good sign I suppose. He did five ET's that day and I believe we were the 5th. I wanted to ask him what he thought our chances were but I refrained. None of that matters. It will be a baby, or it won't. Ugh but I sooooo hope it will.
So I guess i have to do my part now, which means lying on the couch and watching entire seasons of master chef until my eyeballs fall out. My parents came over yesterday to hang out and bring food and maybe they'll come back tomorrow. People say, "enjoy the rest time" but really it's hard to enjoy. I just have to remember that for so long all I wanted it for the Lone Ranger to be in, nuzzling into my lining. Hopefully that's exactly what's happening.
Thanks for all the love and support everyone! It really helps me. We will do our best to post some video tomorrow, maybe of me on valium singing before transfer...I have no idea how or why that happened but it did.
good luck! I have been reading for a few months and am really hoping this is it for you!
Posted by: Taryn | October 28, 2013 at 04:56 AM