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May 30, 2014


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All those meds and shots are exactly why I'm scared to go the IVF route if it comes to making that decision. I just don't know if I have the strength to handle that. Plus, I do in home daycare and just have babies right now, I don't know if my hormone induced body would be able to handle it without crying all day! I've only been on letrozole and follistim so far and luckily, I haven't really noticed any side effects. We've done 3 IUI's with no luck and are on our second clinic. They noticed a spot on my right ovary on our first mid cycle ultrasound with them and then it was still there on my 2nd mid cycle us. Dr. is pretty sure I have endometriosis (Stage 2 or 3 is what she's thinking) so I'm headed in for laparoscopy on the 6th. Praying it's our ticket off the island but also not getting my hopes up. I hope and pray this is your ticket off the island Maya and Noah! You've been through so much and I'm so thankful that I found your blog. You put it all in perspective when I can barely wrap my head around it all some days. Good Luck!! I'll be cheering you on from WI!!!

Don't Count Your Eggs

Glad I'm not the only one feeling nuts! It's amazing what a little pill can do. Isn't Clomid INSANE???!!! Oh the rage! Lupron so far has been fine for me, but I am doing the injections at night which I think is really helping. Though last night Noah was a little rough with the shot and I had to fight the urge to punch him in the ear as he was pulling away with the syringe in hand. Ugh. What we go through. Much luck to you all and thanks for sharing!


HAHAHA! This post came at a perfect time!! As the super high doses of meds are leaving my system after a cancelled 5th IVF cycle, I too feel like I'm totally insane! I have to constantly remind myself that this will pass and it's not really me. This is a reminder to be kinder to ourselves and this too shall pass. Hang in there everyone! We will get there!


Yes, yes and yes. Thank you Maya for articulating this so well - it is a minor miracle that we can continue being high-functioning, productive members of society with all of the emotional and physical turmoil we are putting ourselves through. A giant pat on the back deserved for everyone who manages to get up and keep going every day despite it all!


Seriously. Clomid made me feel like I was going insane. It was HORRIBLE! I'm so happy to hear I'm not the only one! Thank you for your posts. I'm gearing up for IVF this month & it feels a tad easier knowing I'm not the only one that's going through this.


I love how you referred to Clomid as a gateway drug! Ha! That ish is straight poison! Of all of the things I ingested or injected, Clomid gave me the worst side effects.
Good luck on this cycle, all good things to you! I pray for you to have peace, comfort and strength. You are a warrior!


Megan Swanek

Seriously! I was clomid crazy at least one day per month. Even when we were on vacation in Thailand, relaxing in our own privat pool villa! Because of my experience with Clomid, I was afraid to try the "real" injectible medications. But I have had ZERO side effects (fingers crossed) from Lupron (only 3 days), Menopur and Follistem. Thanks for the support and encouragement! Btw - update here: http://megandewitt.blogspot.com/

Down to 10 follicles (instead of the 15 I thought I had) and possible retrieval on Wednesday! :)


Stay strong Maya, it's got to be your turn. I am thinking of you eating your favorite Ice-Cream with a huge baby bump, and waking up to little whimpers through the night. As hard as it is jacked up on the crazy stuff, eyes on the prize lady - you got this.

A Few Good Eggs

When I step back and think about all of the hormones, meds, chemicals, etc. involved in this process, it is pretty terrifying. It will be so nice someday to be medication free, fit, etc. again. Hang in there!

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