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December 19, 2014


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Don't Count Your Eggs

Thanks everyone! Genuine happy feels good. Anita-- wishing you soon much luck this time around!!! And Jess, as always, you're my hero-- 4 months in a hospital bed? Wishing everyone a wonderful week


Yay...happiness looks great on you guys!:)



You look STUNNING and I am so happy that you are experiencing the holidays this way for the first time in a long time. You have both been through so much, and it is so inspiring to all of us who read your blog to know the road you have been on and to see that you can still encounter joy on the other side!


Hi Maya. A very happy Sunday to you. I wanted to share with you that I had a FET with two gorgeous (already well hatched) embryos on Thursday, the 18th. My first FET, and now I'm praying to all the Gods to grant me my wish. This is my 6th transfer though, others being fresh. I started with 2014 with a BFN from what was a very well responded cycle on my part. Then in September I had a miscarriage after a beta roller coaster that I wrote to you about :(. I am not literally praying on all fours. :) Do not feel the symptoms that I had while on stim drugs, this being a FET, and do not know what to make of it. I'm on PIO shots this time unlike previous times when I had the progesterone inserts. But thankfully my butt feels normal. I just feel tired and short of breath and somewhat strange which would be just hormonal. My beta is on 2nd Jan. Pray please that I start 2015 with some happiness for me and my lovely husband. This is what I'm asking Santa for :D
Your picture filled me with optimism and I so look forward to you holding Momo in your arms soon. Send you all the luck and happiness.

Kelly reilly

You look beautiful.. X


Maya, what a joy to eyes both of you look. Wish could hug you ( and Momo) in person. And you look gorgeous and one of the fittest pregnant lady i have seen. Wishing you the most joyous holiday season, and you and Noah so deserve it! 😀


This is an amazing picture - Maya you are gorgeous!!!! So happy for you guys! And I say - if you love pancakes, momo loves pancakes so really you're just eating for her enjoyment :) have a great weekend. Xo


Love this picture of you guys!! You have a lifetime to be fit- I say live it up and enjoy your pancakes! Xo

A Few Good Eggs

You guys look fantastic and Maya you look beautiful!!!


Oh and one more thing- I gained 70 lbs with my pregnancy (multiples but still- 70 lbs when I never missed a week of working out???) Four months of not getting out of the hospital bed and shoving protein down my throat in the hopes it would help the placenta will do that to you. 5 mths postpartum and I feel better than ever. It is worth every BicMac pound, stretch mark and atrophied muscle!


You guys look fabulous! Maya, pregnancy looks great on you. Happy holidays!



What a wonderful picture! Joy captured and wow do you look beautiful and radiant Maya! So so happy for you two. Good luck with the major cleaning. It will be a lot more fun knowing you are clearing out space for Momo and her many things to fill.

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